The Conspiring Spirits of Revelation in the Roots: The Leprechaun, St. Brigid and Grand MaMa

Have you ever been inspired by the spirit of an ancestor? Or have you ever received a visit from an angel or person who is not of this world?

In my new book, Revelation in the Roots: Emerald Isle, The Magnificent and Marvelous Book Club (the MAMs) return in an adventure of discovery to explore their Irish roots, taking along members of their group homes. Grieving MAM and widow Abigail coordinate the trip, while Welby, a Black ex-convict and Reagan, a white nurse in recovery, fight attraction across their racial and political divide.

A trio of spirits conspires to lead them into hope for their lives and the future. It’s a little wacky, a little bit of magic and lots of fun. Afraid they’re seeing ghosts or going crazy, Abigail, Reagan and Welby aren’t quite sure how to respond. The Spirit sightings add to the adventure as the group tours the Emerald Isle, with its own share of magic and ancient spiritual traditions. 

The first spirit to appear is a Leprechaun, Síocháin. In Irish folklore, leprechauns hide in the woods and enjoy playing tricks and creating mayhem. The Irish who migrated to the United States brought stories of the little guys along. In fact, Walt Disney popularized the leprechauns by writing them into a movie script, Darby O’Gill and the Little People, produced in 1959. In my novel, Síocháin appears first to Abigail who soon learns she has Irish DNA. The leprechaun recommends a spirit of listening on their exploration of Ireland. Next, Síocháin startles Welby on a silent retreat in the heart of Ireland, calling him to greatness. Later, the group tour a Leprechaun Museum in Dublin.

The second spirit to appear is Grand MaMa. Grand MaMa is the deceased great-grandmother of Welby who comes to Ohio to enter the MAMs Book Club’s Sun Power House for men in recovery. Grand MaMa startles Welby as he’s getting situated in Ohio and shows up again in Ireland. Grand MaMa also shows up on the labyrinth during the silent retreat, startling Nancy Reagan Smith (Reagan), a white woman who is a member of the FARM (Farming and Restoring with the MAMs), an organic farm and halfway house for women in recovery.

The final spirit is St. Brigid, an Irish nun from the 6th century who promoted and practiced hospitality, contemplative prayer, peace, social justice and concern for the Earth. St. Brigid appears to Reagan in a dream and also to Abigail at the silent retreat held at Irish Solas Bridhe Retreat Center and Hermitage, which is coordinated by modern nuns of the St. Brigid order.

The spirits add some mischief and fun to the story and call out the best in the characters during this novel of adventure and exploration.

Read Revelation in the Roots: Emerald Isle to meet the leprechaun, Grand MaMa, St. Brigid, as well as the people they seek to influence: Abigail, Welby and Reagan. 

Revelation Blog Needed: MLK Jr.’s For 2022

As we celebrate the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. today, we remember his prophetic and visionary life. We celebrate his courage and leadership. We retell the stories of the civil rights movement. As we continue to mourn the death of Dr. King, we acknowledge his martyrdom because two weeks after his death, Congress passed monumental civil rights legislation, putting an end to legal racial discrimination.

Forty-four years later, we haven’t overcome. In the wake of the public killing of George Floyd, replayed over and over on national TV in the midst of the early pandemic stay-at-home days, much discussion and some change have happened. Many calls for an end to racial injustice and police brutality with safeguards for citizens, but many others are trying to stop the discussion of racism, calling for eliminating “critical race theory” in the schools, which might make white students feel bad about themselves. Teaching the truth about our history is so important that we can all work to make America better. We must confront the evil in our past to eliminate it in our future. Yes, it’s unpleasant, but we shouldn’t pretend it didn’t happen so that we can feel good. We must cultivate empathy and love toward each other. We must agree that the injustices must stop. 

Today, I believe we need new prophets and leaders to call us to love each other again, speak truth to power, and build a country where everyone truly has an opportunity. I hear these prophets in the authors’ words I’ve read in the past few years.

I recently read the Sum of Us: Why Racism Hurts Us All and How We Can Prosper Together by Heather McGee. This brilliantly written discussion of what is wrong with the USA points to directions for improvement. McGee’s impressive research and analysis underscore the role of racism in the history of our country. She lifts the many ways that racism damages not just people of color but most of us. I was so impressed with her ability to consolidate so much information into a very readable and prophetic treatise.  And the book illuminates our path forward, calling us to build diverse coalitions to start advocating for an America that works for everyone. I hear prophetic voices in the words of Isabella Wilkerson, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Ibram X. Kendi, Michelle Alexander, and Robin DiAngelo as I’ve read their books in recent years.

I wrote my most recent novel, Revelation in the Roots: Emerald Isle, as I grapple with the racial injustice in my country and our divided political landscape. One of my characters, Welby, hears a call to be a Martin Luther King, Jr. for today. I hope that you and I can hear that call as well, to continue the work of Dr. King, who continues to inspire me by his life and these words:

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” “Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal.” “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” “Faith is taking the first step even when you can’t see the whole staircase.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.

The Story Behind Revelation In The Roots

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Have you ever wondered how books are born? Each author has a unique story. Let me tell you mine. Here’s how my sixth book, Revelation in the Roots: Emerald Isle, came to life.

Writing Is A Spiritual Practice

Every morning for twenty-five years now, I wake early to write. I call it my spiritual practice. Most days, this habit summons me into a vast maelstrom where I encounter and address the questions in my heart. While swimming in this space of deep listening and creativity, I listen for God. And then, what I hear and what I write unfolds into messages from God, revelations for my work of composing a life. I’ve learned to trust that voice deep within.  

I hope that something you read in my books will guide you on your path, scatter some seeds of faith, hope, and love, challenge you to unfold your own deep calling to live an abundant life. I hope that the revelations might also guide us into solutions for the challenging times in which we live.

Being A Writer

On a retreat in 1995, some friends told me that I’m a writer. This puzzled me in a head-scratching sort of way. However, I decided to explore the idea by working through Julia Cameron’s workshop: The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity. As the practice unfolded, new life and writing projects sprouted from my morning pages journal.

I discovered that I love writing as a spiritual practice. It’s a quite wonderful creative process that engages me in life in so many ways. I’ve traveled and explored unknown worlds, grappling with the many issues confronting us in our lives and the world these days.

One year, I decided to write a novel with God. Since then, I’ve written two more novels, a memoir and a primer on contemplative practice. I created a fictitious book club called the MAMs (The Magnificent and Marvelous Book Club) in my novels. The MAMs are an eclectic group of red hat ladies who span the political spectrum. They travel to Greece and Turkey in their first adventure, searching for St. Thecla.

At the Cave of St. Paul on the archaeological site of Ephesus, they dig up scrolls, shedding light on the Biblical book of Revelation, St. Thecla, and their own lives. In my second novel, the MAMs become concerned about climate change. They organize two group homes for re-entry women in recovery (an organic farm) and for men (the Sun Power House, to teach solar energy building skills).

Visiting Ireland

Photo by tom balabaud on

As I continued to write my Revelation series, my husband and I visited Ireland for our 30th wedding anniversary, checking something on my bucket list.

We enjoyed exploring the beautiful isle, visiting the many tourist sites, and learning more about the Celtic spiritual tradition. I wanted to incorporate these travels into my next novel.

When I returned from Ireland, I began to write. The story unfolded every morning as I sat and typed on my laptop. I followed the characters into the story. The MAMs decided to read about Genealogy and get DNA tests this time. Later, they offered DNA tests to their group home members. One of them dreamed up a scheme to write a grant to take their group home members to the lands of their DNA, Ireland, the Sea Islands of the American South, and West Africa. 

Some of the African-American characters have Irish DNA. Some, who thought they were just white, have African DNA. This discovery leads to interesting dynamics among my characters as they reckon with a new sense of self.


As the story unfolded, I needed more. So I decided to return to Ireland to check out the peacemakers at Corrymeela, a retreat center in Northern Ireland. The center has long been a neutral zone, bringing together the conflicting sides of Ireland’s civil war. I thought perhaps I could find answers for my characters’ racial and political divisions.

This time, I went alone, exploring the Leprechaun Museum in Dublin, learning about the Irish Troubles in Belfast, enjoying more scenery on the northeast coast, and learning about reconciliation in archaeological efforts at a conference in Corrymeela.

Inspired To Write

When I came home, the trip inspired my developing story. A leprechaun began to haunt my characters. The group embarks on a Black Cab tour in Belfast to learn about the Irish civil war. Then they end up on a peacemaking retreat in Northern Ireland, trying to come to terms with American divisions.

Love stories unfolded. MAM Abigail finds attraction with the tour guide, Seamus. Reagan, a white Republican with African DNA, and Welby, an African-American Democrat with Irish DNA, also fight attraction during the trip. 

Can the grieving, reluctant Abigail open her heart to their jolly tour guide? Can Welby and Reagan find a bridge across the political divide? While the entourage explores the Emerald Isle, pauses for listening circles, retreats at St. Brigid’s well, and gathers at a peace center in Northern Ireland, the story unfolds with much surprise and revelation as the characters find new hope for their lives and the divisions of modern life.

Revelation In the Roots: Emerald Isle

So you see, from my morning quiet time, the book emerged over time with a life of its own. It drew me out to explore new worlds and to grapple with the issues of our day. I offer it to you, Revelation in the Roots: Emerald Isle, with a prayer that it will call you to be a bridge-builder across racial and political divisions to help us dream into a better world.