As I begin to launch my book, Revelation on the Sea Island, I’m taking time today to reflect on why I wrote this book, why it’s important to me and why I hope it will be important to you. Since I began my writing career over twenty-five years ago, I’ve been writing in Springfield, Ohio,Continue reading “Why I Wrote Revelation on the Sea Island”
Author Archives: redesign
About My Writing as a Christian Contemplative
Hi! I’m Nancy Flinchbaugh, a Christian contemplative, seeking to write books for change, for peace, for justice and the Earth, close to the heart of God. I consider my writing as a spiritual practice. Every morning, I meditate for 20 minutes. After meditating, I journal and then I write. My books contain elements of contemplativeContinue reading “About My Writing as a Christian Contemplative”
Guest Blog: Writing for Change: Who Am I? By Rev Dr. Ken Whitt
I recently interviewed Rev. Dr. Ken Whitt about his work writing for change. We talked about his book, God is Just Love. In this guest blog post, Ken writes about his work to help us all live God’s love and find ways to be resilient, build community and develop adaptive skills in the midst ofContinue reading “Guest Blog: Writing for Change: Who Am I? By Rev Dr. Ken Whitt”
Writing for Change: About my Interview with Author, Leah Rampy who is Reweaving Earth and Soul on the Edge of Loss
In this blog post, Author Nancy Flinchbaugh discusses her recent interview with Author Leah Rampy, author of Earth and Soul: Reconnecting Amid Climate Chaos. Leah writes to reweave earth and soul on the edge of loss. Listen to Nancy’s interview with Leah on YouTube. Recently, I interviewed Leah Rampy, a writer, speaker, retreat leader andContinue reading “Writing for Change: About my Interview with Author, Leah Rampy who is Reweaving Earth and Soul on the Edge of Loss”
Writing for Change: Joyce Gardner Hurd Writes for the Deaf
Recently, I interviewed Joyce Gardner Hurd, an author of fiction, essays and short stories. Originally from Massachusetts, Joyce now lives on the seacoast in New Hampshire with her Maine Coon cat, Kiki. She enjoys traveling, reading, gardening, cooking, seeing friends. Growing up as a child of deaf parents gives her insight into the worlds ofContinue reading “Writing for Change: Joyce Gardner Hurd Writes for the Deaf”
Guest Blogger Steve Schlather Writes for the Earth
Steve Schlather is retired from careers in daily newspapers as a reporter and copy editor and from doing outreach and education for recycling and waste reduction. He is the leader of the Springfield, Ohio chapter of Citizens’ Climate Lobby. Listen to Nancy’s interview with Steve Schlather on YouTube The climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe says theContinue reading “Guest Blogger Steve Schlather Writes for the Earth”
Writing for Change: Writing Mariah of the Wind
As Earth Day comes this year, I’m reflecting on my work to Write for Change in how we treat the Earth. And so today, I want to tell you why I wrote my most recent book, Mariah of the Wind. First of all, let me say that I keep writing books because I believe thatContinue reading “Writing for Change: Writing Mariah of the Wind”
Writing for Change: Do Books Change Lives?
Writing for Change Blog Today, I’d like to ask a question. “Do books change lives?” As you think back over the books that you’ve read in the course of your life, consider to what extent books change you. It’s a curious question I ask, as an author, because one of my goals is to writeContinue reading “Writing for Change: Do Books Change Lives?”
Writing for Change: Writing for the Earth
Several years ago, I began to become concerned about climate change and our plight on Planet Earth. We’ve been blessed with a beautiful planet, but somehow, we seem hellbent on destroying it. Here in the United States, we’ve had ample natural resources for several centuries. Now things are catching up with us. Our planet isContinue reading “Writing for Change: Writing for the Earth”
Writing for Change: An Invitation
Today, I’m launching my Writing for Change Blog and Podcast. My aim is to create a public place for those of us writing for change to share our hearts and our work. People write for many different reasons. Some to entertain, some to educate, some to express themselves, others to create art, and some ofContinue reading “Writing for Change: An Invitation”